Now The End Begins is an end times witness for Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world
in the last days before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

America was founded on freedom and capitalism, while Socialism and Communism are the sworn enemy of both those ideals. America in 2019 is flirting with making a switch to Socialism as we have seen with the red rise of people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Even if the nearly 80 year old Sanders doesn’t get very far, the Left is stacking their deck with hardcore Democratic Socialists. Which do you prefer, the frying pan or the fire?

“Together, you and I and our 2016 campaign began the political revolution. Now, it is time to complete that revolution and implement the vision that we fought for,” Sanders said in an email to supporters and a video announcing his candidacy.

The 77-year-old independent senator from Vermont, who started his political career as a gadfly perennial candidate, remains a pacesetter of progressive politics in America, helping to craft a liberal agenda that includes everything from Medicare for All to a $15 minimum wage to free college tuition. READ MORE

Chrislam Starts To Spread In America

You knew this day was going to come, when the liberal “love gospel” preachers who, desiring to fill their seats and bank accounts, would find a way to merge apostate christianity with the Devil’s religion of Islam. That day is here.

Rick Warren, founder and pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California, addressed the convention of the Islamic Society of North America. Warren stated that Muslims and Christians must work together to combat stereotypes, promote peace and freedom, and solve global problems. Christians and Moslems – faith mates, soul mates and now work mates! Chrislam!

“Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren in a speech to Muslims.

Click here to read the full article...

Rick Warren Chrislam

Rome Is The Enemy Of Biblical Christianity

Everywhere you turn today, religious leaders of all stripes, persuasions and genders are talking about Christians ‘reconciling’ with the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, for their part, are lying in wait to receive them with open arms. Parties on both sides are claiming that ‘in the spirit of love and tolerance’ that there ‘must be unity’ within the Body of Christ. Now, I agree that there should be harmony within the Body of Christ as much as possible. But I also agree that the Catholic Church is a false system masquerading as Christianity, not part of the Body of Christ, and therefore there is nothing to be reconciled to.

The Supremacy of the King James Bible

One of the greatest tools of the Chrislam crowd are the modern bible versions which strip Jesus of His deity, takes away the fact that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted, and thousands of verses that speak to your salvation and the saving power of His Blood.

We are proud to stand with and stand on the King James Authorized 1611 Holy Bible as the revealed word of God, as God wrote it, and as God has preserved it.

Read the King James from cover to cover and you will see very clearly why Christianity and Islam could never be mixed. Why there is no 'common ground' between the bible and the Koran, and why the 'Jesus'of the Koran has nothing in common with the Jesus of the holy bible. Part of truly exposing Chrislam is a return to the King James Bible.

Click here to read about the Book that God wrote...


George Soros Nazi Past Is Revealed

When Hitler’s henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country’s Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population READ MORE HERE


The Birthplace of Chrislam: ISNA 2009

Watch the video that shows the humble beginnings of how Chrislam began. We present a 23 minute clip from his speech at that convention,
in the which you will hear him discuss nuggets like the importance of globalization, how Christians and Muslims need to "lay down their differences" and work together, and so much more.

Rick Warren, in his own words, has no problem with the concept and doctrine of Chrislam, he just doesn't want his own name attached to it. READ MORE HERE